Do you believe in human potential? Do you create a corporate environment where talent grows skywards like Jack’s beanstalk? If so, the issue of attracting promising recru..
The author: Anya Stetsenko is an IT-recruiter, entrepreneur, and simply a happy woman. She has been managing Indigo recruitment agency since 2007 and has been bringing ne..
As a recruiter, wouldn’t it be great to read the mind of a candidate and know just what would convince them to accept your employment offer? We at Indigo Recruitment Age..
Every year IT companies are finding it harder and harder to fill vacancies, especially senior level positions and higher. This is because developers are paying more and m..
Considering that CEOs and owners of IT companies rate the efficiency of their recruiters at a mere 4 on a 10 point scale, and freelancers are available, the question aris..
We should immediately note that no one can give a certain answer to this question, not even Laszlo Bock (and this, by the way, is Google’s vice president of personnel)
Once, my grandmother asked me: “Honey, where do you work?”. I replied that I work at home remotely. The eyes of the woman became round in a second, and she said, “Why did..
Closing technical position may resemble a debilitating marathon. Or sprint, when the maximum energy is laid out for a minimum of time. And when you need to hire the whole..