
The future will come faster than we will be afraid of uncertainty. For example, if someone discovered “Black Mirror” not from the first season, the television series would be doubly interesting

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The future will come faster than we will be afraid of uncertainty. For example, if someone discovered “Black Mirror” not from the first season, the television series would be doubly interesting. You watched the series, read the news and it turns out that the described fantastic events are almost nowadays reality.

In Indigo we chose 10 interesting TED lectures on how technologies are already changing our world and what should we wait in the future.

How will we buy and sell? Will there be a need for banks and other financial institutions? Why does the world need cryptocurrency? The speaker is sure, we are entering a new era of programmable money. And this is just the beginning.

In the era of cash, money moved with the same speed as people do. In the digital world, money can move faster, but with the permission of regulatory organizations, so, with the speed of banks work. “We are on the eve of a new type of money. The future of money is predetermined. When we connect software and currency, money will become something more than a static measure of value, and we will not need organizations to provide security, ”the expert predicts.

And this speech is useful to see fatalists who are sure that robots will take away the work of all people soon, starting from cashiers to front end developers, and conquer the world. So you can relax and wait.

The “archaeologist of the future” believes, our tomorrow is variable. Yes, it is possible that Night Watch, patrols from drones, will monitor your every movement. And many other unpleasant things concerning ecology, freedom, society could also happen. But we can really change the future. And the speaker gives examples of how to do this. He also reminds how important it is to associate the future with ourselves because often we do not imagine ourselves “I am in the future”. “But we are this future, and I believe that it is important and necessary to fight for the future that we want more than ever. ”

As the speaker, economist notice, we all see, in recent years, cars have begun to demonstrate skills that they have never had. They can speak, see, write… And they continue to evolve. On the one hand, this is cool. Robots will take on all the monotonous work around all spheres. From the recruiting agency point, it obviously is also pleasant. We will get interesting tasks. Researchers, inventors, and innovators will finally be able to do not only routine work, and their important breakthroughs. On the other hand, what happens when robots are aware of themselves? The speaker, for example, is joking (is he joking?), that he will be worried that day when his computer is aware of the presence of a printer.

Does the chill run down your back from the thought that in the future artificial intelligence will become stronger and smarter than a person? And that’s right, the speaker, neurobiologist, and philosopher believe. In his opinion, mankind will precisely create cars that will surpass the creators in their abilities. And they, probably, will begin to treat us the same way as we do with ants. There is no hate, nothing personal. But if an anthill bothers us, then very few people will try to save it. There is no need to be afraid. But it would be good to think about security in the new world.

How can you change the system of growing products with the tandem of farmers and technology? Food computers, the world food farm the development, which the speaker predicts, will solve the problem of the food crisis. Caleb’s team has already built a farm in the media lab. Farmers need years to study plants. Caleb has this knowledge in the cloud. “We track data over the time, correlate them with each plant. All broccoli in my lab have IP addresses, ” says the speaker, and the hall laughs. But this is our reality. In the system described by Caleb, it is possible with only one click to get the profile of a plant, download its progress, knowing exactly when it gets the right amount of nutrients, acquires the optimum taste, whether it has enough water and sun. That is, if you are talking to your favorite begonia, do not hesitate. You can really communicate with plants.

Pets are different. One will never bring slippers to you. And others know how to deliver parcels, map the terrain, move objects and much more. Yes, and do not scatter the wool. Because they are robots. And, according to the founder of the company Boston Dynamics, those pets can be useful in all areas, from solving everyday problems to helping people who need care.

The futurologist will not recommend bad things. He argues you need to be prepared for the next “big leap” in the functioning of the brain, mastering computer technology in the cloud. Soon, human thinking will become a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking. “By the end of the next decade, we will do it again. We will again increase our neocortex. However, this time it will not be limited to any specific framework, ” promises Ray.

The speech about three types of “electronic” lies. “Butler” (this happens when we write “I have already gone out” to the one who is waiting for us, although this is not so); “Sham Party” (when someone, for example, leaves to himself laudatory comments from a fake account); “Chinese Water Army” (mass creation of texts for posting on the Internet, for example, reviews). So, technologies help us fool each other, for example, online. And that’s because of anonymity? The speaker says, on the contrary, the easy availability of information and technology makes people more sincere.

One of Siri creators speaks about “humanistic AI”, which will bring people great bonuses, increasing the efficiency of perception, creativity, and cognitive abilities. The speaker convinces that this is exactly what artificial intelligence will do. It will not compete with us, but it will help, even in the most unexpected areas.

A chess player, recalled when he was 22 he became a world chess champion, then he played the game simultaneously against the 32 best chess computers in the world, and won all the games. And after 12 years, he lost to a single computer. “As the Russian proverb says, if you can’t win, join! — remembers Harry. — Then I thought, what if to play together with a computer, having a computer on my side, combining our forces, human intuition with computer calculations, human strategy with machine tactics, human experience with computer memory? Would it have turned out to be an ideal game of all times?” The chess player believes that a person plus a machine is no longer the future, but the present.

But he reminds, only people can do something. Only we can dream. And the grandmaster and I urge you to do this, to dream about more. In any field, chess, IT recruiting or anything else, the one who thinks a few moves ahead, that one wins.

Autor: INDIGO Tech Recruiters
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