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HOW TO CREATE A DREAM-TEAM 6 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR hiring the best technical team
Closing technical position may resemble a debilitating marathon. Or sprint, when the maximum energy is laid out for a minimum of time. And when you need to hire the whole..
HRD Salaries in Ukraine’s IT Sector in 2022
Let’s check out how much HRDs in Ukraine get paid for the value they deliver to businesses.
How to interview those who have been affected by war
Interviewing a candidate whose life/relatives/home were/are put in jeopardy by war, be aware that the interview may elicit an emotional response. What should the intervie..
How does it feel to be a woman in IT? Anna Stetsenko talks about the “male” field, discrimination and gender stereotypes
There are many gender stereotypes regarding both men and women. But when it comes to a career, particularly in IT, women have a much harder time
Good CEO VS Bad CEO. One mistake that could cost your business.
Ekaterina Osadchuk — CEO at Indigo Tech Recruiters, economist, professional psychologist, HRD and business development director with more than ten years of experience
Crackerjacks for a newcomer: 9 ideas for your welcome package
Companies are ready to do virtually anything in order to make new employees return to the workplace after lunch, rather than ghosting the new employer. Top managers perso..
Does HR Help a Company Earn Money or Just Spends It?
Katya Osadchuk— CEO, IndigoIT recruiting agency, economist, professional psychologist, and HR with over 10 years of experience, 6 of them as HR Director. This article is ..
Ageism in IT and how to deal with it
The author: Anya Stetsenko is an IT-recruiter, entrepreneur, and simply a happy woman. She has been managing Indigo recruitment agency since 2007 and has been bringing ne..
How much did CEOs get in the Ukrainian IT market in 2022?
Where is the bigger reward: in product or outsourcing companies? Has the salary of women and men become equal? Answers to these and other questions in our article.