Interviewing a candidate whose life/relatives/home were/are put in jeopardy by war, be aware that the interview may elicit an emotional response. What should the intervie..
Marketers are everywhere. However, when it comes to finding one to join your team and show real results, it gets complicated. Many companies interview, and sometimes hire..
“If an employee is already standing on the threshold — let him go, there is nothing to talk with him about, bla-bla-bla” — some companies hold such position
The author: Anya Stetsenko is an IT-recruiter, entrepreneur, and simply a happy woman. She has been managing Indigo recruitment agency since 2007 and has been bringing ne..
As a recruiter, wouldn’t it be great to read the mind of a candidate and know just what would convince them to accept your employment offer? We at Indigo Recruitment Age..
Every year IT companies are finding it harder and harder to fill vacancies, especially senior level positions and higher. This is because developers are paying more and m..
Considering that CEOs and owners of IT companies rate the efficiency of their recruiters at a mere 4 on a 10 point scale, and freelancers are available, the question aris..