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HOW TO CREATE A DREAM-TEAM 6 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR hiring the best technical team
Closing technical position may resemble a debilitating marathon. Or sprint, when the maximum energy is laid out for a minimum of time. And when you need to hire the whole..
10 conditions that will help a newcomer to join the team easily
Unlike an octopus, a person can not instantly adapt to a new environment. A new employee will not reach the maximum level of productivity on the first day, now will they ..
Neuro Recruitment, or How the brain accepts offers: 4 hints for recruiters
As a recruiter, wouldn’t it be great to read the mind of a candidate and know just what would convince them to accept your employment offer? We at Indigo Recruitment Age..
How to hire the best Web Developers? We know, and we are ready to share our experience.
Finding a black cat in a dark room is hard…Especially if there is no cat!
The Role and Salary of COOs at Ukrainian IT Companies
In reality, the responsibilities of the COO are determined by the number of ‘holes’ and and ‘fires’ at their company
Important HR-trends everyone should know about
Remote work, mental health, automatization of recruitment, inclusion… How will HR-trends influence our work in the near future?
7 trends in the IT labor market with statistics (which you will surely object)
It is a thankless duty to formulate trends, as one risks to play Captain Obvious or to receive “Don’t make something out of nothing, in fact, the opposite is true” as fee..
Iownit: “We keep our communication transparent, and require this from everyone in our company”
If you haven’t heard of iownit yet (which would be surprising), allow us to fix this right away. lownit Capital and Markets, Inc
HRs don’t exist in an ideal world, but here, you still have to pay them
About the author: Ekaterina Osadchuk, CEO at Indigo Tech Recruiters , economist, professional psychologist, HRD and director for organizational development, with ove..